Jan 19, 2011

The Emptying of the Utility Pockets

Some of you may recall the existence of Utility Pockets, which are essentially neverending black holes of stuff. I stopped wearing the UP-bearing jacket about a month or two ago, because it just got terribly dirty. You may be wondering why I didn't just put it in the wash, then; to this, I respond with a friendly reminder of how involved that process is, simply because of the sheer number of things I would need to put away. Well, this morning I finally took it upon myself to empty the pockets so I could wash my jacket. Here's the inventory of what I removed:

  • 1 half-eaten bag of Cheerios (Apple-Cinnamon)
  • Two pairs of 3D "Real-D" glasses - one from Coraline, one from Megamind
  • A bulleted list of reasons that I am not a hipster
  • Pens
  • One green pencil, in very poor shape
  • Three green Hershey's Kiss wrappers
  • One bulleted list of all the camping trips I've been on in the last four years
  • Five physics problems, each written on a separate 1.5"x3" sheet of paper
  • The phone numbers of two people in the Boy Scouts
  • A sheet of notes that my guidance counselor took about my college hunt
  • $10
  • The phone number of Gunn, the coolest taxi driver (in Pittsburgh)
    • Actually, he deserves an entire post dedicated to him.
  • And, of course, the headlight.
Expect this to be a recurring thing. Except not that often. Because I don't really empty my pockets often. Ever.